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Best Selling
Thomson TCM's Qi Honey Tea Cube
Thomson TCM's Ultimate Mother’s Milk Booster Tea 14's
Thomson TCM's Mini Relaxation Tea 10's
Thomson TCM’s Pure Moxibustion Stick 1’s
TCM's Balance Harmony Tea 10's
Thomson TCM's Slimming Harmony Tea 7's

Thomson TCM’s Pure Moxibustion Stick 1’s

Thomson TCM’s Qi Honey Tea Cube

Patik Ruby Batik Heat Pillow

Thomson TCM’s Ultimate Mother’s Milk Booster Tea 14’s

Thomson TCM’s Mini Relaxation Tea 10’s

Thomson TCM’s Supreme Qi Red Dates Tea 14’s

TCM’s Balance Harmony Tea 10’s

Thomson TCM’s Slimming Harmony Tea 7’s

Thomson TCM’s Relieving Foot Bath 10’s

Thomson TCM’s Relaxing Foot Bath 5’s

Thomson TCM’s Qi Honey Tea Cube

Thomson TCM’s Pure Moxibustion Stick 1’s

Thomson TCM Home Moxibustion Kit 30’s

Thomson TCM Herbal Eye Pillow

Thomson TCM Astragalus HuangQi 黄芪 100g

Thomson TCM’s Musclesmooth Herbal Plaster 1’s

Thomson TCM’s Mensosmooth Herbal Plaster 1’s

Thomson TCM’s Mini Relaxation Tea 10’s

TCM’s Balance Harmony Tea 10’s

Thomson TCM’s Slimming Harmony Tea 7’s

Thomson TCM’s Ultimate Mother’s Milk Booster Tea 14’s

Thomson TCM’s Supreme Qi Red Dates Tea 14’s

Thomson TCM’s Mini Nourishing Tea 10’s

Thomson TCM’s Vitality Harmony Tea 10’s

Thomson TCM’s Vital Qi Tea 7’s

Thomson TCM’s Roasted Rice Ginger Tea 14’s

Thomson TCM’s Mini Nourishing Tea 10’s

Thomson TCM Kidney Tonic Herbal Soup 温补强身汤

Thomson TCM Rejuvenation Herbal Soup 明艳红润汤

Thomson TCM Energy Boost Herbal Soup 正气蓬勃汤

Thomson TCM Nourishing Herbal Soup 润泽百川汤

Thomson TCM Sweet Dreams Herbal Soup 美梦酣睡汤

Thomson TCM’s Invigorating Herbal Soup 活力昂扬汤

Thomson TCM Dried Jasmine Flower Buds 干茉莉花 20g

Thomson TCM’s Refreshing Remedy Drink 甜蜜润喉饮

Thomson TCM Digestive Healing Soup 馋涎健脾汤

Dorsata Gold Honey

Dorsata Dark Premium Honey

Dorsata Tualang Sweet Rock Honey

Dorsata Royal Honey

Pure Turmeric Powder 50g

Dorsata Tualang Bitter Rock Honey

Thomson TCM’s Herbal Heat Pillow

Patik Ruby Pillow Case

Habada Sanitising Surface Spray

Electric Mug Warmer Set

Thomson TCM Red Wolfberry 红枸杞 120g

Thomson TCM Thailand Dried Longan 120g 泰国龙眼肉干

Thomson TCM Black Wolfberry 黑枸杞 80g

Thomson TCM Seedless Red Dates Slice 无核红枣片 70g

Thomson TCM’s Relieving Foot Bath 10’s

Thomson TCM’s Relaxing Foot Bath 5’s

Thomson TCM’s Vital Qi Foot Bath 5’s

Thomson TCM’s Confinement Herbal Bath Pack I 1’s

Patik Ruby Batik Heat Pillow

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